Sonoma Enlightened Signup

If you would like to join the Sonoma Enlightened community, please complete this form. Ingress is a social game, and coordinating with your fellow agents will help you get invited to farms/events, to level up faster, be more effective, and most importantly, have more fun!

Before submitting this form you will need a Google+ account - we don't require that you use your real name on your G+ profile (neither does Google anymore), and it's okay to make a fake or pseudonymous profile under a separate Google account for this purpose if needed - consider making one just for your in-game persona if you'd like to protect your real-world identity.


When you submit this form, you'll be taken to a Google authorization page to grant our verification app temporary access to see your G+ identity and email address. We'll use that to contact you privately (if necessary) and to make sure we add the right G+ account to the G+ communities/Slack/etc. We won't publish the connection between your G+ identity and in-game identity; it's up to you whether you want to do that.

If your browser isn't currently logged into your Google account you'll first be prompted to log in. If you're using a separate Google account for your Ingress identity, be sure to pick that one when asked.